In This Quiz
- Test how well you understand investing
- These are the must-answer questions that every investor should know in order to relax about money
- Do you see through the industry’s misleading marketing strategies?

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This Quiz Shows you:
- The right questions to ask
- How can you know who to trust?
- The essential knowledge that makes a confident investor
How well do You understand investing?
We find that many people are uneasy about their money and investments. They’re unsure if their investment approach is right and whether or not they can trust the recommendations of their adviser.
They might be glued to the media, waiting nervously for any relevant news that suggests they should make a change to their portfolio.
Or maybe they say, “This stuff is just too complicated,” and give up, either blindly trusting their adviser or throwing all their money into cash, or “safe” investments.
There’s an overload of information out there, and it can be hard to know who to believe or who to trust.
How do you know who to trust?
Mutual-fund-guru guy says one stock or another is the “next big thing.”
Blogger-expert guy says you should use these index funds.
CNBC investing whiz guy says we’re in a bull market so you should move your money over here or there.
They all seem to know what they’re talking about, and they all seem to make convincing arguments. The problem is that most of the information you hear comes from people trying to sell you things.
Most articles are written by someone who represents a mutual fund company trying to sell only their mutual funds. Magazine articles—both online and print—are often sponsored by investment firms or life insurance companies.
They have only their own products to push, and they’re not considering everything out there or your entire financial situation. Their information is a sales pitch and they don’t have your best interest in mind.
Many advisers are just as bad. The company they work for often forces certain products on them, so their recommendations are unintentionally biased.
You need an unbiased source who has your own best interest in mind: yourself.
The only way to relax
In order to relax about money, you must understand the basics of investing, you need to know what you’re doing and why… not what the media and mutual fund companies tell you about investing.
You need to know how investing and the stock market actually work.
That’s what this quiz is about.
And that’s exactly what our investor coaching program is designed to do: to give you a clear understanding of investing.
You don’t need a PhD in finance to be a confident investor, but you do need to understand the fundamentals of investing—like with anything else.
Once you understand these—and they’re more intuitive than you might know—no one can mislead you. You won’t be swayed by the media, and you will know which recommendations you can trust.
In short, you’ll have confidence, and a confident investor is someone who can start to relax about money.
It starts with asking the right questions
You don’t know what you don’t know, unless you test your knowledge to learn!
The questions in the “Investor Quiz” show you exactly what you need to know to become a confident investor and relax about money.
Don’t feel bad if you don’t know all the answers right now. Our promise to you is that after our coaching program, you will be able to answer each question confidently.
You’ll be surprised at how easy it is to understand the answers. We explain them in a simple and straightforward way, using charts and graphs to help you grasp the concepts. You don’t have to know everything, but ignorance isn’t bliss when it comes to investing.
You’ll find that the basics of investing are intuitive—you already know most of what you need to, we just need to guide and direct that knowledge, adding to it when necessary.
The road toward relaxation
If you’re not an educated investor, then you are easily susceptible to fear, stress, and confusion regarding your important investment decisions. You won’t be relaxed.
Once you know the answers to these questions, however, you’ll find you can turn the talking heads off, get off the edge of your seat, and sit back in that lazy boy in the corner of your living room.
You won’t have that nagging feeling in the back of your mind, wondering whether your investments are structured properly. You’ll know they’re doing what they’re supposed to do.
Take the quiz here to start on the road to relaxing about money